Talents: Crafting, inventingA meek and gentle girl. She believes things easily without much doubt. She's good with machines and can even fix broken ones. She comes from the future and was artificially created from Tina's DNA. She travels to the past to find clues on how to save the future. She calls Tina "Mama" and is very attached to her. She's been going to the past more and more.Arcana: 0 (The Fool)
Elements: WindSpecial ability: Arcana Guardian -0-Can control a mechanical familiar. She can change the type by inserting jewels based on the Major Arcana. Her favorites are the Lovers and Judgement types, the arcana of Tina and Rutia respectively, whom she's related to by blood.Yunako FialardNickname: YunakoAge: 11 (6th year elementary school)
Birthday: February 2
Height: 132 cm
Chest: Small
Blood type: ALikes: Stuffed animals, cute things, fruit, hatsDislikes: Thunder, bitter things