Artist's commentary
Ragnarok Online - Cliiing
Rebirth Ragnarok Online fanart :D (Big Grin)
They are...
My High Priestess, Celexteia
Sniper Moosua
Moosua is my very very very very first friend in Rro
I wasn't using the healer because I was a noob, and so I asked for heal randomly in the map. Then he came to answer that there was an NPC that can full heal and so he started helping me.
He gave me a bunch of items (that totally jump-started my Rro gaming D: )
And he also took me to different places in Rro.
After, we decided to attend some GM event (death by dice) and I almost won HAHAHA XDDD
It was sooo fun!
I had a lot of people go "OMG WHY YOU SO STRONG IN A FEW DAYS!?" And it was actually all thanks to his help D:
I dunno what personality it's called, but I have this thing about owing my loyalty to someone who has done a lot for me. That, OR I am always asking where certain people get their stock of kindness from (I dunno, there are people who are really really nice to me without asking/expecting anything in return AT ALL!!) Or sometimes, they'd just ask what's wrong or what I need, and without me asking them a favor, they would do it out of kindness. People like that are awesome XDD Once again, where the hell do they get their stock of kindness from!? XDD I guess... Sometimes I think it's better to do things for others AND accepting the fact that people forget kindness done unto them. I personally remember every bit of kindness from people, but not everyone is like that. So if someone remembers you for your kindness, you have to be thankful. After all, we do good deeds not to be credited, but to help. So seriously, if someone remembers the kindness done unto them, then be thankful HAHAHA XD I'd want to remember every bit of kindness rather than be one of those who forget and just look at the boring or bad sides etc XD You'd know someone's heart if that person is kind to you, instead of hearing rumors against that person. I had a few friends who were rumored to be bossy, mean, annoying etc etc. But they're those special people who overflow of kindness so... It's sad that people are blind to see it XD There's always a good and special thing in others, at least that's what I believe. I may be wrong, but I think that way...? HAHAHA! In my case, things often go my way when I least expect them... or when I don't expect at all!!! (Like Beyblade, I wished it would come back, but I wasn't expecting for it to come back for good! HAHAHA! Also I didn't expect to pass in the country's state university... I also didn't expect to catch a few items in Rro so... seriously, It's when I don't expect wholeheartedly that I am given/rewarded LOOOLZ... and the recent "Lucky Wolborg Beyblade" thing I gotta elaborate in my journal XD Maybe I should go semi-emo and start not expecting anything in life HAHAHA! After all, my title in my Rro guild is "Unversal Emo" XD Cuz I am often seen emo-ing in some corner in the game XP )
Anyway, I played Rro again because I wanted to make a woe (war of emperium) priestess. Cuz woe is FUN FUN FUN!!! Random kills >D
So I wanted to be loyal to one guild (rather than being all mercenary and hopping around XD)
Actually, I didn't want to make much close friends in RO. I guess it's because nostalgia for me hurts, and I had a whole lot of friends and good good memories from my Philippine RO server (despite the bad irl lifestyle HAHAHA) But everytime I remember them, I get like... really nostalgic it hurts ! XD So I didn't want to get too attached to anyone on the server.
But then, I just realized I had like... 5 special friends on Rro already and they were really kind to me XD
I saw Moosua in an allied guild so, since I always help that allied guild (because my guild goes woe when I'm sleeping T_T) I decided to join Moosua's guild (because a lot of people there were also asking me to join... with practical reasoning) It was hard though because I was very close to two people in my former guild, but they said it was okay if I'd transfer.
It took me a while before I made friends in the new guild, but I made friends with another priestess, and Moosua's "Rro brother" HAHAHA! They're soooo nice :D (Big Grin)
Personally, I don't like getting too attached to anything on the internet (you know, the "OMG DANGER INTERNET!!!" thingy XD) But then again, it's still kinda nice to have online friends, especially on Ragnarok... despite the fact that you haven't seen them in person let alone, their name HAHAHA!
Yeah, it's good, it's good XD
Anyway, here we are
I'm clinging to him--- like I usually do because a lot of people tease me and stuff and I get character proposals (but I don't want to get my character married LOLz) So I'd always cling to Moosua ROFL... Which made people come to conclusions that our characters are married or something else HAHAHA
So we get teased a lot in the guild TROLOLOL~ XD
HAHAHA! I could like... seriously picture some annoying anime scene wherein he's be all cool and walking, while I'll be running after him shouting "ONEE-SAN!!! ONEEEEEE-SAAAAN!!!" And then I'd trip and I'd cling anyway HAHAHA XD
He's also one of the best (if not the best) Snipers in woe. He's an excellent trapper and a very vital member of the guild XD And until now he still teaches me stuff in Rro (Since I don't really talk to anyone in game, I dunno much stuffs yet D:) (Smile)
So.. there XDD If you play Rro and come across him, or us, go say "hi" LOL We hang out in Veins (@go veins) I'm lonely though since nobody, but one, on deviantart Rro's with me u.u
HAHAHA! Though it was kinda creepy when I was talking to Moosua in veins, then someone approached and shouted "HEY SLUMBERPOPPY!!!" I was like "O.O" XDD
Oneeee-san~ TROLOLOL~
Wow... long text is LONG!!! It's because I wanted to update my journal, but now I have no internet! D:
I am just posting this real quick XDD Will get back to you guys once I get my net back (and the bunch of messages in my inbox D:) (Smile)
So my replies will have to wait u.u
As posted in my twitter, thank goodness I can move my right drawing hand well already!!! :D (Big Grin)
YEAY! I thought I was already walking the road to hand paralysis, I got worried the other day! D: HAHAHA XD
....school starts next week, and I have to finish Steve o.o