Artist's commentary
002 Ivysaur
No. 002 Ivysaur--Completely unrelated to its appearance in the Smash Bros. series, Ivysaur stands (heh, it can do that now) as my favorite member of the Kanto Grass-starters line. It's got the greener skin pigmentation and juvenile appearance of Bulbasaur, but the flowering bud and beautiful color contrast of Venusaur. What's more, the bud represents growth and the capability of becoming even stronger, which is a vibe I can dig.
I'm always searching for projects to get me inspired, because I'm so bad at finishing things at all, let alone at a timely pace.
So when Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow were released to the eShop in February of this year, I challenged myself. I told myself that I would draw every Pokemon I caught in the game as if I were filling out a Pokedex myself, much to the style of Tracey Sketchit.
While I stopped after about ten or so drawings because of the output of caught Pokemon, I kept a list, and I intend to finish it. So here's the scoop:
-Every Pokemon will be submitted in the order in which I obtained them in the game--Though I have some finished artwork of some, they come much later, and as a result shall not be submitted until their appropriate times.
-The designs are more reflective of their original Red version sprites, but coloration is partially influenced by their current appearances.
-Each is a simple drawing, inking, and water color wash--No less than 15 minutes, and no more than an hour per Pokemon.