The 25th of January is
Kankou Student Uniform Day!
Kankou Student Uniform Co. Ltd. is a Japanese company that makes student uniforms and gym clothes.
A commemorative day set to this date by Kankou —the student uniform-making company— because it's the day in which Sugawara no Michizane —the god of education— was demoted!
Sugawara no Michizane: a politiciian of the Heian period. Due to some political intrigue, he was demoted from his position and forced into exile, shortly after which he died. After his death, some calamities got linked to him becoming a vengeful spirit, which eventually lead to his deification as Tenman Daijizai Tenjin, the god of education.
Kankou Student Uniform Co. Ltd. got their name from this historial figure: Kankou is written as 菅公, and 菅(kan) is the first kanji in Sugahara no Michizane's surname and 公(kou) is an honorific for a high-ranked person (although nowadays, it's often used mockingly).Kankou Co. Ltd. also deals in uniforms for kindergartens and nursery schools! Kankou Co. Ltd.'s student uniformDoes not include promotional contentHow's this?It looks pretty good on me, doesn't it?