Her boobs are hu—She's not playing it herself, is she
The 22nd of January is
Merlin Day!
(Jazz Day)
Apparently, they set this day as jazz day because it's January (January) and the zz looks sort of like a 22.
They say the trumpet she holds has taken the blood of many jazz trumpeteers!
As stated in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense. Akyuu mentions in a footnote that this is something the sisters say at the beginning of concerts, sort of implying this to be a sort of meaningless publicity stunt.The sound is obviously coming from the background, lolHands-free BGMLooks like she'd be good at handj*bsEeeh! Why would you say such things—!I'm really playing it with my ability~!The ability to play instruments without using her hands or feetMerlin Prismriver's first solo livestream!