Artist's commentary
Palace Anniversary
Gensokyo was abuzz with everyone busily preparing for the anniversary, and while it may have appeared to be business as usual in the Palace of the Earth Spirits, it was anything but.
“OK, let’s do this. I’m counting on you both.”
Satori Komeiji, Rin Kaenbyou, and Utsuho Reiuji were gathered together in a secluded room within the palace. Any other day, you might expect Koishi to show up out of nowhere and surprise them, but today was going to be different. Taking advantage of Koishi’s absence, they put together a plan to surprise her, and they were determined to keep it a secret.
Koishi had chosen the Palace of the Earth Spirits for her daily walk. It’s her home, so she knows it like the back of her hand. However, she couldn’t seem to find the person she was looking for. She checked each room, peeked through the stained glass windows, and even looked under the beds, but she couldn’t find her sister…
She decided to try to ask their pet cat and bird, but they wouldn’t give her a straight answer. Left with no other option, she decided to go and look for Satori herself! Before the pets had a chance to stop her, Koishi raced to the palace foyer.
“The only place I haven’t looked is outside. But why would Satori leave the palace…? Did something happen?”
Satori Komeiji, the mistress of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, didn’t know what to do. She left Rin and Utsuho at home to keep Koishi occupied while she went out shopping in the Old Capital of Former Hell, but things weren’t going as planned.
“This is supposed to be the place…”
She followed her pets’ directions, but instead of finding a shop, she found nothing but an empty, run-down building. Fortunately, she happened to spot a familiar face.
“I see… So you’re trying to organize a surprise for your sister, huh? How thoughtful.”
The oni couldn’t resist teasing the manager of Former Hell about not knowing her way around her own city. After that, she showed Satori to a different shop where she bought what she was looking for. Unfortunately for Satori, her sigh of relief quickly turned into a jump of surprise as a voice called out to her from behind.
“Found you, Satori!”
“Hey, Satori! What’re you doing out here?”
Satori froze. She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t let Koishi find out about the surprise, but if she ran away, Koishi would surely chase after her. Seeing her plight, the large oni smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Want me to cause a distraction? Nah, you won’t owe me nothing. Us oni love drinking and parties, so―”
The oni raised her sake cup and turned to face Koishi.
“―I was looking for someone to play with while I finish my drink.”
“Are we gonna play tag or something? OK, get ready to run!”
“Heh, who do you take me for? Oni don’t run. I’ll be the one chasing you!”
Before Satori realized what was happening, the sound of bullets and Koishi’s laughter filled the streets of the Old Capital. Confused, Satori mumbled a word of thanks to the oni playing with her sister before hurrying home to the Palace of the Earth Spirits.
“I’m back, and I’m super hungry after all that running around!”
The sound of the front door opening echoed down the hall. Realizing Koishi had returned, Satori took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Seeing this, Rin called out.
“Lady Koishiiii! Can you please come to the dining room?”
“Sure! What is it?!”
They listened to the sound of her tiny footsteps in anticipation. Until… Koishi opened the door and opened her eyes wide in surprise.
“Whoa! There’s a cake! Woohoo!”
Seeing Koishi jumping around in joy, Satori felt for sure that she knew what Koishi was thinking. She must be really happy―
“I was starving after playing with Yuugi, so this is perfect! Let’s eat!”
“Haha, I wonder if I’ll ever be able to predict what you’re going to say.”