Artist's commentary
Late Surprise
Initial description:
"It's his month, thus he shall be showered with gifts.
Aaargh man, I missed drawing Puyo Puyo Fever. It just that it has been a while that I wasn't sure if I could draw that proper anymore.
Like how I realised that combining the Fever style with my own take is not as easy as it seemed to be. It at least turned out okay I guess.
But to be honest, I didn't quite plan a Christmas themed art piece this time around, so I'm pretty late for that.
Movie nights and family christmas dinner certainly delayed a bit. At least it's better late than never still.
Anyways, Merry (late by 3 days) Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
Give out some comments here if you want to talk about it or even fave it.
Puyo Puyo belongs to Sega/Compile
This artwork is made by me."
Initially posted: