Artist's commentary
A short comic I made about my experiences as a seasonal worker, and the way places change you.
Image description
Three comic panels on an off-white background. Objects depicted in the negative space of the page include a headlamp, a trowel, and a plant sprig in a ziplock bag.
The first panel is a wildfire sunset above a barbed wire fence, surrounded by blooming fireweed and evergreens. An orange wildfire hazard sign reads: "IS INEVITABLE YOU CANNOT STAND STILL" A gray jay sits on the top of the sign, eyeing the viewer.
The second panel shows a dilapidated wooden shack, covered in moss and white and orange mushrooms. Evergreens and leafy undergrowth surround the structure, and a Pacific gray tree frog sits on a leaf in the foreground. Text carved into the wood reads: "YOU MAY NO LONGER RECOGNIZE YOUR HOME"
The third panel is a chinook salmon run in a green forest. Underwater reeds flow on the river. A white sign nailed to a tree trunk, with water symbols and text that reads: "IT CANNOT STAND STILL EITHER."