Artist's commentary
A short comic I made about my experiences as a seasonal worker, and the way places change you.
Image description
Three comic panels on an off-white background. Objects depicted in the negative space of the page include a work boot, a leather-bound journal, a compass, and a colorful rock bracelet.
The first panel is a Forest Service gate on a dirt road, slightly ajar. The road goes out of sight into leafy green shadows. There is one wooden sign nailed to a tree, and two white and green signs secured to the gate. The text on these signs reads: "TRAVELER, STOP! IF YOU TAKE THIS ROAD YOU WILL BE FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED FOR BETTER OR WORSE."
The second panel is a crumbling concrete barrier in gray, driving rain. There are evergreen trees in the background. There is a hand symbol pointing to the right engraved into the barrier, and text that reads: "YOU WILL RETURN FROM THIS JOURNEY IRRECOVERABLY ALTERED IN WAYS"
The third panel is a waterfall with conifer trees, behind a glossy red sign with "no swimming" symbols. White text on the sign reads: "YOU CANNOT COMPREHEND BEFORE YOU UNDERGO THIS TRANSFORMATION."