Ganon, Link, and Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The PastLemmings
LemmingsEarthworm Jim
Earthworm JimWilliam Joseph "B.J." Blazkowicz
Wolfenstein 3DZero and X
Mega Man XSamus Aran
Super MetroidPaula, Ness, Jeff Andonuts and Poo
Earthbound/Mother 2Joe and Mac
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaRiki, Kunio and Godai
Kunio-kunSpike Mcfang and Camelia
The Twisted Tales of Spike McfangBomberman and Rui
BombermanQ Bert
Q bertDr. Wright
Sim CityBirdo and Shy Guy
Super Mario Brothers 2Lans Hamilton and Warren Moons
Ogre Battle: March of the Black QueenCanopus Wolph
Ogre Battle: March of the Black QueenGwinbee, Twinbee and Winbee
TwinbeeMint Herb and Hikari/Light
TwinbeeBub and Bob
Bubble BobbleMario PaintBonk
Bonk's AdventureMike HaggarPoisonHugo AndoreAngel and The Master
ActraiserDr. Mario
Doctor MarioSamurai Goroh
F-ZeroSecret of ManaSpace InvadersPocky
Pocky and RockyGoemon
Ganbare GoemonYae
Ganbare GoemonSasuke
Ganbare GoemonEbisumaru
Ganbare GoemonGoemon Impact
Ganbare GoemonOmitsu
Ganbare GoemonMonoshiri Ojisan
Ganbare GoemonInterceptor
Final Fantasy 6Rocky
Pocky and Rocky