Artist's commentary
Before Dawn
The moment right before night comes to an end, when you can still see the stars in the sky. That was the time of day he liked best.
One time, when I had nothing better to do, I asked him which star was his favorite, even though I didn't give a rat's ass either way.
He said its light is the strongest you can see when observing the night sky. He went on about how it was like a lighthouse showing us the way from Earth to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, while smiling a know-it-all grin.
...No fair. It was so damn ironic I couldn't even bring myself to take the piss like usual.
"Hey. What're you gonna do once you're the last human?"
It was a good question, he said. He followed it up coolly, but with just a hint of sadness:
"Would you believe me if I said I'm thinking of going on a trip wherever the wind takes me, with no destination in mind?"
I still think about what that future would've been like.
"I'd start by crossing that ocean and seeing how everything has changed."
In that moment, he was as bright and dazzling as the morning sun.