Artist's commentary
I'm telling the truth!
- I'm telling the truth! I was playing Dino Crisis 2, and suddenly I ended up in a jungle!
- Hahahaha! Yeah, sure! Don't lie to us!
- But I really was there! It was a real jungle! There were dinosaur sounds!
- Stop making things up!
- I'm not making it up! I really was there for a few seconds, and then I was back home!
- You're lying! That's impossible! People can't travel to the past!
- Maybe it was another universe...
- It's just your imagination. You've been playing too many video games, and now you're making things up.
Nobody beleived Ira... but is it even possible to believe something like that? Playing Dino Crisis 2 and ending up in a jungle. After that experience she hid the disc deep in her cabinet and didn't play any video games for a week.