Artist's commentary
Dakimakura-tan Cover!!!!!
I don't just love the drawn characters on dakimakura covers, I love dakimakuras themselves ooooooh!!!! Dakimakura! Dakimakura! Dakimakura! Dakimakuraaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaan!!! AaAAAA..AA..AhAh-! AaAAAAA!!! DakimakuraDakimakuraDakimakurauuuauauawaaaahhh!!! Aaa *sniff* *sniff*! *sniffsniff*! SUPERSUPER! SUPERSUPER! It smells good... *sniffsniff* Haaaah! I want to smell Dakimakura-tan's soft material!*sniffsniff*! AaAh! No, wait! I want to touch it! Fluffyfluffy! Fluffyfluffy! Cushion fluffyfluffy… sparklesparklesparkly!! Dakimakura on top of the bed is cuuuuute!! AaaAA…AAA.AaAaAAAA!! FuaaAAaann!! It's a good thing you're not a memory foam pillow, right, Dakimakura-tan! AaAAAA! Cute! Dakimakura-tan! Cute! AaAAaAA! Beanbag material makes me happy too…. Noooooooo!!! Nyaaaaaaaan!! Gyaaaaaaaa!! Guaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I don't have a bed!!!! Ah… Now that I think about it, Da ki ma ku ra chan doesn't have a home? Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaan!! UaAAAAAAAAAA!! Oh nooooooo!! Noooooooooooooo!! Haaaaaaan!! Blankeeeet!! You little! Damn it! Stop it! Futon stop… it!? You're… watching? Dakimakura-chan is watching me? Pure white Dakimakura-chan is watching me! Dakimakura-chan is watching me! Soft soft Dakimakura-chan is watching me!! Fluffy fluffy Dakimakura-chan is in the room!!! Good… Society hasn't thrown me away yet, has it!! Yahooooooo!! I have Dakimakura-chan!! I did it, Futon!! I can do it by myself!!! Ah, fluffy fluffy Dakimakura-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!! Oh nooooooooooooooo!!!! ahAnAaAaanAaTowel-samaa!! S.. spreading Futon!! Towel blanket oooooo!!! Hanging Futonnnnn!! UuuUuUU!! Sending my feelings to Dakimakura!! Sending it to the Bedroom Department!
-I mean, I don't have to put on this cover, right?