Artist's commentary
Uh, stll fighting with artblock D:< for last 3-4days everything i tried to draw was total fail D:
I decided to make something colorful, cause i didn't make anything for ages, and i think it cheered me up a little ;3; (even if it's total random, and still fails in few places ) and i need to buy a lot of new markers, cause most of them are dead already Dx
You know hello kitty? So in my alternative world, where Emily and the rest of my OCs lives, there's very popular bunny (just something like HK), but appears with various cute/yummy/whatever stuff. Unfortunately I don't have an idea for the name ;3; so if you have any propositions go ahead 8D
It should match to the bunny and sound catchy, but my brain is out of order when it needs to made up some names :C
phew, i think i warmed up already, and i will try to continue working on commissions tommorow O:
p.s. arrghh @__@ [link] - It doesn't want to leave me alone xDDDD;;; omgsodisturbinggg
winsor&newton sketchbook paper, Millenium liners, touch markers, letrasets, color pencils, white gouache, bg in photoshop