Artist's commentary
A Worthy Opponent
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A knight wishing to improve his skills.
A warrior of ancient times sealed away for fear his power was too great.
One wish was made, having the wish-granting comet reaching through the fabric of time and space to bring back this warrior of an unknown past. Unleashed from his crystal bonds and free to roam the galaxy once more; is this a mistake the Gamble Galaxy will have to pay for dearly?---
Aaaand here it is, finally; the companion piece to this one, which I've been meaning to do for a good while now (and this is the first time I've actually been at a great loss as to what catchy title to come up with... :/ ) . This time the hyperactive, hot pink, feather-winged knight gets to make his entrance, and he's fully intent on making said entrance in style; sparkling crystal shards all over the place and all, knowing what a fabulous Pimp Lord he is. =P (Razz)
Now I know the way he breaks out of his crystal prison isn't exactly true to canon in KSSU, since this is not the way it looked like when Nova summoned him. But I felt compelled to display his liberation in this way anyway, since it was simply the most aesthetically appealing way to present it. :P (Lick)
Oh, and he just needed all that bling, because. Well. Pimp Lord. XD
Best viewed while listening to either:
Your choice! Or why not all of them? Wink/Razz
Critique and feedback is always welcome!
Technique: Digitally painted from scratch
Tools: Photoshop CS4 and Wacom tablet
Original resolution: 4352×6412 pixels
Time taken: next time I’ll have a good time estimate, I swear -_-
Galacta Knight and Nova © HAL Laboratory, Inc./Nintendo