Artist's commentary
Triforce of the Gods
Finally got this finished. Forewent social activity tonight to get this done in time for the first day of "Tsubasacon":[tsubasacon.org]!
So, yeah... Indiana Jones meets The Legend of Zelda.
Lots of fun to work on. Quite exhausting.
And of course, I had to go all out and mock up some appropriate credits...
Yes, legitimate Hylian text in the corners, half of which is unfortunately obscured... haha. Probably spent half an hour just researching that... haha! Oh well.
Erm, I don't know what else to say. I'm burned out.
Indiana Jones "Fedora" fonts from www.dafonts.com
The Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods (A Link to the Past) and related characters are ™ and ©1986, 1991 by Nintendo.
Artwork is ©2010 by Michael Mayne.