Artist's commentary
Ham-ham Ponies 2 : CMC and Princesses
My second batch of Hamster-ified ponies from MLP:FiM, this time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Alicorn Princesses.
The fillies (and colts) have some more chubby and small body type than the adult hams, their head being the same size as the body. The alicorns, while not being that much different in body type than the regular adult ham-ponies, should be taller if they were side to side with each others. (That would be better if I had a size chart sheet... Thing that surely, I should doodle sometimes soon.)
For the next batch of six I'm thinking about doing some colts (Shining Armor, Dr. Whooves and Big Mac) + Vinyl Scratch and Octavia + one mare I haven't yet picked.
The one after that should feature some of the vilains (Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, Discord (this one will be hard as hell to do, but hey, challenge.) King Sombra, etc?) Though Maybe I should do the vilains first? :2