Artist's commentary
- What's wrong?
- I wanted to make friends with some kids today, but they started calling me names.
- How so?
- They said I have horns and that I like to eat people more than anything else? But my favorite food is caesar salad!
- They're stupid! You shouldn't be friends with them.
- But then who will I be friends with? I have no friends at all! These horns ruin everything!
- Your horns are beautiful.
- What's beautiful about these horns!?
- Your horns are part of you. You can't just reject part of yourself.
- I'll cut them off!
- Your horns are there for a reason. They are a manifestation of all your feelings, emotions, and fears. They are a defence mechanism and a unique character trait. Cutting them off, would just mean that you're trying to suppress all of those feelings inside yourself, but you need to understand them.
- Come here, sit down. Don't be upset.
- They're idiots! But do you really think my horns are beautiful?
- Of course. Trust me, they don't ruin you. Sometimes they turn you into a bit of a troublemaker, but I know you're a good person.
And so they sat for a while longer in silence, watching people pass them by, listening to chillstep with their earbuds, and enjoying the taste of hot coffee from an aluminum can.
- Friends take time. It's getting cold now. Let's go home. I think everyone's gathered there.