Artist's commentary
:Rise with Me: Shedinja
Hehe, it's a dead Pokemon!...which is what I will be anyway if my exam grades don't pick up soon Sweating a little...
Anyways, I worked on this picture for about a whole week...Colouring the Shedinja took a day, but I took another 6 days thinking of a background for this pic. Shedinja is technically in a forest, with spirit flames rising up with it, though it may look like a church instead - your interpretation. Bits and pieces of its wings are crumbling away, but Shedinja looks very peaceful (actually, Shedinja doesn't really have a way of expressing itself...) A combination of brown, green and blue (and also my first time actually using the dodge tool) - I'm pretty pleased with how this picture turned out in the end.
You can check out my older illustration of Shedinja in my Scraps gallery as well :) (Smile)
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