Artist's commentary
NOKIA W3310 Handheld PC
在21世纪初,诺基亚在手机市场占据主导地位,但其创新精神不仅限于通讯设备。2003年,诺基亚成立了一个秘密研发团队,代号“Project Phoenix”,旨在开发一款能够打破市场常规的设备——诺基亚 W3310 掌上游戏机。W3310的设计灵感来源于当时流行的诺基亚3310和N-Gage游戏机,希望能将两者的优势结合,创造出一款既具备通讯功能又能够提供高质量游戏体验的掌上设备。
At the beginning of the 21st century, Nokia dominated the mobile phone market, but its spirit of innovation extended beyond communication devices. In 2003, Nokia established a secret development team codenamed "Project Phoenix," aimed at creating a groundbreaking device—the Nokia W3310 handheld gaming console. The design inspiration for the W3310 came from the popular Nokia 3310 and the N-Gage gaming console of the time. The goal was to combine the advantages of both, creating a device that not only had communication capabilities but also provided a high-quality gaming experience.