Artist's commentary
:Death:WARHAMMER 40000 :Death:Alpharius Omegon (also known as the Aleph Null, The Hydra, the Threefold Serpent, The Final Configuration and the Last Primarch) was one of the twenty Primarchs created by
the Emperor of Mankind in the earliest days of the Imperium of Man, just after the end of the Age of Strife in the 30th Millennium. In truth, Alpharius Omegon was actually a pair of
identical twin brothers, one named Alpharius and the other Omegon. Of all the Primarchs of the Legiones Astartes, Alpharius was without a doubt the most steeped in mystery,
legend, contradiction and deliberate falsification.
"Before we go, let me say this: I understand the
conflict in your hearts, how one may beat for duty while the other
bleeds for your Legion brothers who will be sacrificed. But this is
civil war. It is a time of confusion, and realigned loyalty. We have
many heads but we act as one – one Legion with a single will. We are a
union of the alike and the like-minded. We will not tolerate treachery.
We will not allow our compact to fracture. We will not suffer the
short-sightedness of our brother Legions, nor the averted gaze of the
wider Imperium. We are Alpha Legion and we take the long view."
— Omegon, twin-Primarch of the Alpha Legion
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