Artist's commentary
Sacred Ash Coffee
So.. this one took FOREVER! Even my friend slimu had a hard time helping me out with the paper cut-out effect I wanted.
I have been wanting to do something like this in this coloring style for a while, so I hope you guys enjoy.
Lineart and basic colors credit to me, and paper cut out effect and finishing touches credit to slimu
Pokemon (c) Nintendo/Gamefreak
In case you guys are wondering what was happening in the picture..
Lucario was angry at Cyndaquil for getting him a Grande Vanilla Latte with no foam, when Lucario asked him to get him a Venti Vanilla Soy Latte with no foam D:
Aipom is just being a jerk and trying to spill his drink on the poor unsuspecting Torchic, while Mudkip and Eevee watch with concern and Torchic's best friend Bulbasaur is trying to keep his friend from harm O:
Drifloon is trying to keep a baby Mantyke entertained while it's trainers grab a drink inside
Barry... did not have any coffee.. the poor kid has enough energy as it is, anymore and he would probably have a stroke D: LOL
Charmander saw Ludicolo and Barry having a great time, so he decided to join in on the fun,
and poor Growlithe was left baby sitting the two chatter-sisters, Cleffa and Happiny while it's trainers left to go chat inside Dx