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Artist's commentary
Majora's Mask
To celebrate the tenth year anniversary of my favourite Zelda game :heart: (It's a close call between this and Tales of Symphonia as my favourite videogame of all time.)
The UK release is technically not for another 3 weeks but I saw :iconkishmet:'s challenge and wanted to join in :D
I have no idea what's going on here... All I know is that I love that frickin umbrella.. and hanging out in the laundry pool making Kafei run for the bell haha.. The things next to him are dolls cause I didn't want to draw masks.. Link needs more friends :(
Got a new idea about the things on the bench from :iconnitrinoxus:
They could be 'the spirits of the Deku, Goron and Zora Masks instead of dolls. The Deku seems to be looking at the sky and hoping the sun cones out soon; the Goron is just sitting perfectly still, as though he'd found a dry spot and wasn't keen on getting wet; and the Zora is rain-bathing (like sunbathing, except in the rain)'
Let's roll with it 8Db
Also, big thanks to :iconmagic-fan: who featured this artwork! - [link]