Artist's commentary
Colored Doodles
Is it just me or is it super rare to see anyone turn a Non-Bug type into a Bug Type when doing regional, paradox or convergent forms?
So I came up with my own designs outta spite.
The Bliss Pokémon
Fairy / Bug
Biology and Ecology -
Its long wings release scales that bring about feelings of euphoria when inhaled. It can sometimes be seen dancing in the moonlight sky, letting those scales fall gently on the sleeping Pokemon beneath it. Interestingly, it is known to prepare a unique syrup using the gifts granted to it by enthralled Pokemon, which it then keeps stored away within the silk container atop the stick it holds.
-Professor Maple
Behaviour - It manipulates others using a mix of its scales, powers and the syrup it prepares, doing its utmost to keep victims blissful. Tragically, while keenly interested in making those around it happy, Gardesoir is unable to understand the harm its actions might have. The syrup it prepares is harmless when ingested, but Gardesoir will use it as a weapon to weaken foes for its army of charmed Pokémon to swarm. Trainers are advised never to accept this syrup, should a Gardesoir offer it to them as a gift.
-Professor Cherry
Legends and Theories - I've come to the conclusion that Gardesoir are unable to feel negative emotions at all. As such, I also have reason to believe that its actions may stem from a desire to share its unique idea of happiness to those around it. My mother often warned me that should I ever get lost in the forest, that I should never cry, for my anguish just might attract the attention of the Forest Witch or the Fairy Queen and in either case, I would never return home again.
-Researcher Hickory
Queen's Honey - 60 Power - Deals damage to all opponents on the other side of the field and makes Pokemon resistant to Bug lose that resistance. Will Heal Bug Type Pokemon for 25%.
Ability - Hive Mind - Increases the damage from All Bug Type Moves from Pokemon on your side of the field as well as increasing the Speed of Bug Type Pokemon specifically. Status Ailment affected Pokemon gain no benefits.