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Artist's commentary
The Last Unicorn
I know there is a lot of fans of LOTR, Narnia, Earthsea, etc, but when I was a kid this book filled the place for me. Until today is my favorite Fantasy book, I love how each character are not the classical "Hero" or not maybe the conventional fantasy hero and a lot more like people trying to find their own place. I rly love the world created by Peter S. Beagle. I love the movie also and is one of my favorite animated movies ever. In this pic, Shckemdrick the magician, Molly grue and The unicorn/Lady Amalthea
Done in a stream the last Saturday, maybe you remember this pic if you where there :) (Smile)
thanks a lot for joining me that night. was a very fun time :) (Smile)
PSCS3/ Bamboo/8hours/Music:
Man's Road - America (love the soundtrack of the movie and this song in special)
The Last Unicorn - America (this must be my favorite title credits ever)