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Artist's commentary
Baroness Sari Sarrald
Been meaning to give her design a do over, and I'm pretty happy with it. It has more of a natural look to it.
Sari Sarrald is a force user born shortly after the rise of the empire, when her parents with some extreme luck managed to end up on Cortanica. Both were Jedi on the run from the empire after order 66 went through, and happened to arrive on the one planet oblivious to what was going on.
Most of her early childhood was pure survival. The bunker on Cortanica had a rigid aristocratic system, and Jedi or not, her parents lived with the third estate. The Cortanican bunker had terrible living conditions, and disease outbreaks were a common things. Fortunately for Sari, when her parents were taken by the plague, she was adopted by the bunker's administrator and was granted membership of the vault's nobility.
She was 10 at the time, so while she never forget her youth as a commoner and wanted to help the third estate, her time in the nobility did turn her into who she is. Today, Sari is incredibly haughty.
She is also still a prodigy. Now that she lives in the lap of luxury and doesn't have to worry about funds, she spends everything she has on her inventions. Like most nobles, the baroness sees it as her responsibility to indirectly assist the third state, and she has done it by upgrading the water treatment plants and such. One of her devices, which is an ongoing project, is a growth accelerator which she designed to speed up the growth of crops in an attempt to address the bunker's food shortages, though it has been largely unsuccessful.
Her defining traits (which are what make her an amusing character) are her insanity stemming from a twisted worldview impressed upon her by her peers, her disdain for commoners and hobos, and her massive hero complex which was born from her obsessive reading of old adventure novels involving.
Sari has dreams of rescuing princes and princesses, and with the way the story is going she just might get that chance. She's been my favorite to write so far, because she's adorable and i love her. Even though Sari joins the rebels, she never actually becomes a Jedi, mostly because she chooses to hold onto her extreme wealth and also ends up falling in love (with a commoner, because of course) and she chooses to hold on to that.
Sari is the comic's second best swordsman, but the payoff for it is that she is very weak with the force itself. She is barely able to use it in combat, and she mainly uses it for engineering. Sari is an inventor after all, but an extremely prissy one so to avoid getting anything gross on her, she uses the force to do everything from a distance and never uses her hands. Her main skill is that she can command the force with pinpoint accuracy, but not in a manner that is useful for combat.
Her style of combat with a saber is very close to fencing. Sari's main strength is her incredible speed, easily able to outpace most force user and overwhelm them with aggressive cut and thrust attacks. Sari's speed makes it difficult to meaningfully counter attack. Her main weakness is her hero complex, and fighting dirty at all can easily cross her up. If Sari is up against multiple targets, she will use her shield gauntlet. Her energy shield is based on mando tech she read about, and she will use it to deflect the sabers and attacks of other duelists if she is outnumbered. The shield makes it even harder for opponents to counter attack, and makes it easier for her to overwhelm opponents.
Sari is able to fill the roll of sniper too, as her blaster cane has the same range as the average sniper blaster. It is concealable, and can slip by most security checkpoints but because Sari cares very little about subtlety she will not really care to hide it at all.
Enough text though, you'll have to find the rest out when she appears in the comic <3