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Artist's commentary
Here's my entry for the eve-online contest. It's a gallente battleship. I wanted her to carry the feeling of gallente ship designs while i was trying to make an original and nice looking ship.
The concept was a flashy imagination in the first moment so i knew what direction i was supposed to go and i knew i wanted to design a ship gives a bit of feeling between brutix and megathron. I made it look like a classy car feeling because gallente's are classy :) (Smile)
and i wanted to make it a bit deformed then at that moment i thought 'this actually looks like a shark'.
A space shark diving into the dark waters for searching her prey. Hell yeah i said to myself. Kind of reminded me my pvp days :) (Smile)
. So i modified it a little. Megadolon* was the name to give. Still had issues with it since gallente ship names are taken from the greek myth and as a short name "mega" wont do...hehe. But the name supports the silhouette.
I've played eve for a couple of years so yes i was gallente and i can say i really enjoyed with her and the contest itself Because there's a chance to get in on that ship in eve. I guess thats what we call it 'priceless'.
Except the beauty shot all six orthogonal views are done with my hands which was very exhausting XD.
I've made a proxy model to see if my orthogonal views are in proper shape. Then i used that proxy model as a referance to fix any possible distortions in the perspective view.
Oh and ive used photoshop,tablet and maya.
...and ENJOY!
- for who doesnt know megadolon was the biggest shark ever swimmed in the seas in the known history.