Artist's commentary
Doodling uncle~
Always thought uncle's surname is Watanabe, turned out to be Wata Nabe
Out of the three frames I still really like the trench coat (Nightblade). I have a professional bias towards daggers, as well as having a fetish towards uncles, as well as the trench coat being super cool. (Prior to the Mining patch I've always used Nightblade for physical team
So I'm very curious whether he is ■■ or not, I think he should have ex-gf(s) (or ex-bf(s)?) or something like that right, so is he? is he actually, yes or no? I hoping it's a no
I'm missing protein, I wanna eat meat aaahhhh!!! (Mhhmm, it feels rather lacking, perhaps I need a better pair of eyes so I can look for them
One time I can across someone's written work describing him, something along the lines of 'Rose in the Oasis', anyway it was a long section. I only remember it was very good and hit the spot so well, must be hard work for those who can write, I wish I can write something that good too.