Artist's commentary
The G10N-2 Fugaku, along with Sublieutenant Fujiwara no Mokou, a member of the crew.
【Type 7 heavy bomber Nakajima G10N-2 "Fugaku" - Type-B armament】
A remodeled G10N-type gunship used in defensive bombing formations. It was designed because a sufficient number of escort fighters weren't able to provide escort during long-range night bombing missions.
The underside of the fuselage is equipped with 4 20m cannons (for a total of 96). It is more heavily armed and armored than the conventional G10N. The biggest pain in the neck for the Luftwaffe night fighter pilots was especially that the gunship was always positioned in a random location in the bomber formation. The reason for this was so that the enemy couldn't employ the tactic of attacking the bomber's blind spot under the fuselage with the Schräge-Musik .
The unit containing Sublieutenant Fujiwara (commanded by Lieutenant Commander Kamishirasawa Keine) had such an impressive kill rate with the supernaturally strong firepower. So, Luftwaffe night fighters were afraid to attack the bomber formation from below, and named their former tactic 'Honest Man's Death.' However, in the British Isles where the crew were stationed, RAF members sarcastically began to call the aircraft 'Fujiyama Volcano' , after the eruption of Mt. Fuji.
The name "Fugaku" originated from the dormant volcano Mt. Fuji.