Artist's commentary
Ojou-Santa (Merry Christmas!)
I didn't have time to draw a new Christmas picture this year like I wanted to, so instead I've posted something I drew last year on twitter (inside joke with a couple friends), since it never got posted on dA. ;p
Hope everyone has a good time celebrating with their family & friends. Best wishes all around!
Free avatar: Gigerbread house by the-snow-fox
:iconchristmas-tree2plz: :iconreindeerplz: :iconchristmascandyplz:
Free Avvie - Xmas Stocking by r0se-designs
Note: For those who don't know, this drawing is a spoof of an "Ojou-sama". Many anime series (particuarly in the 90's) featured at least one girl who was very outspoken, snobbish, and/or gave the main chara a hard time; these girls often laugh like "Ohohoho!" with hand up to mouth. It's such a common reoccurring theme, that the slang of "Ojou-sama" has been given to characters like this. Since Santa Claus always laughs like "Hohoho", he is therefore a natural Ojou-sama.
Free GingerBread Divider by PhoebeRose
Free GingerBread Divider by PhoebeRose
<da:thumb id="340474503">