Artist's commentary
Devlog 07
Production of episode 3(s) continues. A huge, massive thank you to everyone who supported the game.
Another thank you to the players who reported bugs. With your help, Episode 2 is now quite stable.
Should you find more bugs, typos, etc. you can report them in the Support Forum.
Fan Translations
The amount of fan translations is truly heartwarming. Thank you for your efforts and time. You've helped to share this questionable trainwreck with many unsuspecting souls.
See all the fan translations available for episode 2.
For more information about game languages, visit the translation forum.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the next episode release?
A: Sometime in 2024.
Q: How many episodes will there be in total?
A: Four. Two of which are completely different versions of episode 3.
Q: Will you be toning down the story from now on?
A: Haha!! Nope.
Q: Will there be merch?
A: Yes, but later. Right now the priority is to finish the game.
Q: Will there be official translations to other languages?
A: Very likely, but first there needs to be an English version to begin with.
Welp, I'm gonna climb up to my ivory tower now, never to be seen again.
Kit9 Studio will take care of all the business things as well as programming, which allows me to focus on creating the story and art in blessed silence. The game will be better for it, since my attention won't be divided all over the place anymore. And no, again, I'm not changing the story. The fear over this is pretty intense, lol.
With all that said, I truly appreciate your support, and hope the coming episodes will bring you some morbid joy to brighten your days with.
Thank you and take care!