Artist's commentary
Sky Diving
How can I not make some kinda fanart for Skyward Sword when I made something for DKCR? ...Even if it's sorta half-assed, lol.
So, that last scene in the trailer? linksuicideplz
I sure hope he's got goggles, or he's asking for blindness lol. A parachute wouldn't hurt either. Also... I reckon Nintendo will finally need to give us some reasonable explanation for Link's cap staying on his head. Seriously, bungee jumping is crossing the line here.
I'm still neglecting dA. :| (Blank Stare)
Gotta get back to it, srsly.
EDIT [2.July.2010]: Holy mother, so many favs and comments. *__*Sorry I'm slacking off on replies, but they'll come! ...eventually orz.
Also.. that's a lot of Group requests... x___X I'mma just accept em all (this pic is a total slut like that). Sorry to those getting this pic like a bajillion times in their inbox, lol.