Artist's commentary
but you could never be my prince
SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH. Man. This one took some doin'. I finished it, decided I wasn't happy with it, tore off a bunch of the paper, and redid it. But all's well that ends well~
Like the Inuyasha piece I did before ( [link] ), this is 9"x12", cut-paper, colored pencil, marker, microns, lace, rubber cement, etc etc etc, add a dash of revolution and stir.
Also like the Inuyasha piece, this will be on sale at :star:ANIME BOSTON:star: APRIL 6-8th! Come and say hi and chillax and dance and wield katanas, it's all in good fun.
Also like the Inuyasha piece (again), if you're interested in buying but can't go to Boston/don't want to wait/because of reasons, jus' note me and I will be perfectly happy to sell it to ya before the con. :)
Anthy Anthy Anthy. Keep singin' me that sweet witch song and I will let you stab me in the spinal cord any day.
[EDIT] Sold!