Artist's commentary
Aiko's Room (Commission)
Commissioned by Pladis
由 Pladis 委託
Aiko是由Pladis開發的AI Vtuber。
Aiko is an AI Vtuber developed by Pladis.
Pladis的Twitch鏈接: https://www.twitch.tv/pladis_dev/about
Pladis’ Twitch link: https://www.twitch.tv/pladis_dev/about
Aiko目前使用了的@sakurai_mon免費素材「MOちゃん」。 不過,新形象預計會在2023年12月左右完成。
Aiko's current model is called 'MOちゃん', which is a free model created by @sakurai_mon.
However, she is expected to have a new model debut around December 2023.
The new model will be done by @Inislein.
New model character sheet link: https://twitter.com/suzunomachi/status/1693802886961238283
Reposts are welcome. Please feel free to use them in videos, profile pictures, stickers and emotes. please cite the source while doing so.
製作過程可以在Pixiv Fanbox見到。
The timelapse videos are available in Pixiv Fanbox.