Artist's commentary
Wake up sleepyhead
random one, started about one week ago and finished now~
recently, i have a lot of fun with cg'ing some of my super random messy pencil sketchorz. 8D - [link]
This one is from one of my late evening sketches in bed, when i can't sleep and i'm sketching to keep my drawing form/mode.
My sisters were already sleep, so i drew a sketch of one of them in sleeping pose and turned into Emily, because she's usually sleeping until 12-1pm (or even later) D: XD' Unlike Bob, who wake up at 6-7am every day, even he don't work in that day 8D
p.s. it might be not very visible here, but she read 18+ comic before sleep O: there's one of her "Oh-U" volumes (spontanic title xD" )
p.s.2 weee~ bright pic with subtle tones of pink and violet ftw... XD"
Emily © me