Artist's commentary
我们未曾点起战火/Civilian Evacuation
约稿,作者酒天 user/950704
Commissioned work by Shuten user/950704
全国心理咨询/危机干预机构电话号码索引: https://xinli.buct.edu.cn/_upload/article/files/d1/86/58119f32496fb1e0e7b64d368a1e/b6b8a434-274d-41fd-b88e-e0bbdf430944.pdf
这些服务应该是匿名的,所以在你需要的时候请务必向他们寻求帮助。不要觉得你的事情就只是“这点破事”- 如果切实对你造成了影响,那么你就应该寻求合理的帮助。
List of emergency mental consulting services:
the list is incomplete, just be aware that these services do exist and you can seek help from them :)
They should be antonymous, so don't be afraid to call them- if it's creating problems for you, it's a reason more than sufficient to justify calling. Do seek proper help afterwards as advised if needed tho.
Thought GFL was gonna collab with GuP when they announced that a collab is upcoming. But it's ghost in a shell.
Original ENG title “we didn't start the fire". Word limit on Pixiv title is dumb.