Artist's commentary
t h a n k y o u !
*Edit: Fixed a little detail there was something I forgot to colorBullet; WhiteSPEEDPAINT: youtu.be/gA0QRmJ3CnoAhhh I've just drawn this as a little thank you for all your support ahhh//crais you guys motivate me so much to draw you don't even know ;;o;;
I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ALMOST AT 12000 WATCHERS!! I strongly remember that in June 2014,I just had like 300 watchers aahhh I never imagined that I'd ever reach that number ToT <33 it always makes me happy to talk to you guys,it makes my day,really! luvluvplz I would never be where I am now if it weren't for you ! ;__; <33 I EVEN GOT TWO DDS THIS YEAR//SCREAMSS Unfortunately I won't be able to draw as much when school starts OTL ||| but I'll try to do my best to improve more and more at drawing ;7;~ I want to draw many more things,and eventually explore more and more exciting themes~~ ヾ(´▽`; )ゝ B-BTW.........I'm just specifying that he's a boy just bcuz razycryplz----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can also find me active here~
TWITTER: twitter.com/hoshiepan
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VIRINK: virink.com/45177
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