Artist's commentary
silent stroll.
I finally finished this--- I dunno why it took me so much time even though it's simple kinda (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
He's the the same person as in this drawing Fallen Angelso much has changed xD well I couldn't draw him back then so yeah lazycryplz and bishie boys are still hard as hell to draw even now anyway.But I felt that even though he's one of my favourite original characters I never give him enough love ; . ; so here you go~ challenged myself!Bullet; WhiteSPEEDPAINT: youtu.be/EHtGnOVeqeEHe's also an alternate version of this ; w ; + SKETCH s i l e n c e . . . by Hoshi-PanWip - 0111 - [ray] by Hoshi-Pan________________________________________________________________________I'm also active on:Bullet; WhiteTWITTER: twitter.com/hoshiepan
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