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Artist's commentary
Mr. Death - Resident Evil
"He cheats death so many times until he became the angel of darkness himself"
Since everybody thought my UBCS drawing was HUNK, so I decided to make a piece about him. Finally, HUNK is here! This one is for you HUNK fans!
I was going to draw him surrounded by zombies, but I got kinda is it for now.
Taken from Resident Evil Series (Bio-Hazard Series)
HUNK is a member of Umbrella Special Forces (USF). He has the tendency of becoming the only survivor in a mission, giving him the title "Mr. Death". The USF itself operates covert ops all around the globe to protect Umbrella Corp's interests. Because of the hazardous nature of USF missions, their operatives are equiped with state of the art weaponry system and bio-hazard protection suits. There are no insignia or markings in their uniforms in order to maintain absolute denial from Umbrella in case an incident occurs.
Done in PS:CS with my new WACOM Intuos3 (I cant afford the Centiq, too expensive!)
Critics and Comments are welcome!!!