Artist's commentary
luvsmenot--he loves me
"he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me... "
well, we all know who "HE" is Wink/Razz
ahahaha!hint: one spiky blond, hyperactive, ramen-eating wonder lol!
iraya-sama once told me that the flower chant is actually a spell. interesting isn't?
this is old... those who's been poking through my scraps (luv you guys!!! Hug
) knows its been ages rotting in there and at last has finally been posted so i hope you guys enjoy this and well... i do hope its been worth the wait ^__^ thank you so much for the suggestions!
color technique inspired by ragnarok art... my brother loves the game! been plaring for years even!
you guys know how much often i shift from one style to another Sweating a little...
just wanted to try it.. ehehehe... back ground is a real picture and then tweaked it a bit to blend with the drawing. surprisingly turned out better than i expected =D (Big Grin)
yeah.. i know im such a cheat when it comes to BGs. all foliage and skies ehehe.... Sweating a little...
this was supposed to be an arttrade with wickedmickel 2yrs ago but haven't been around as much and kinda lost communication so i really don't know if the deal's still valid.... er... but i love hinata so finished it anyways, with or without the trade =D (Big Grin)
colors done in mouse HAH! w00t!
here's the line art: [link] (asset #23981687)
and original colored: [link] (asset #23981688)