Artist's commentary
The Dale Cycle: a Young Avengers Medieval AU
The Series on AO3
The Playlist on YouTube
Wherein Teddy is riding on the Fourth Crusade, Billy and Tommy are in disguise as pilgrims on the road to Santiago, Eli rules across the mighty Bosporus river, and Kate is a hawk in a golden cage.
Written in the style of the medieval cycle plays, inspired by the folk songs of singer-songwriter Heather Dale. http://heatherdale.com/
⚔️ The Road to Santiago / Come and Be Welcome
A pair of Jewish twins take the Appian Way on a quest for answers. They find a Crusade instead.
Rating: T
⚔️ The Rose and Lion
He set his jaw and closed his hand on William’s shoulder, and Will leaned into him for support. Thomas kept his voice low and measured. “Think about what they would do to us, your golden Hercules included, if they ever learned the truth. The noose, the pike, the pyre. Or if they’re feeling especially creative, all three in order.”
Rating: M (violence)
⚔️ As I Am
In which Teddy is a crusader, Billy isn’t technically a pilgrim, and some sins get enthusiastically committed.
Rating: E (sex, Billy/Teddy)
⚔️ Stars
A stolen night of privacy allows for some experimentation of the sexy kind.
Rating: E (sex, Billy/Teddy)
⚔️ Each Step
The sack of Zara. Or, the one where Teddy is a Crusader, Billy and Tommy are pretending to be pilgrims, and everything is going to hell in a handbasket.
Rating: M (violence)
⚔️ The Greyhound
Forced to sail with the Venetian fleet, Will and Tom are at Gregory’s mercy on a rough and stormy sea.
Rating: M (some consensual sex, but also violence)
⚔️ Lady of the Lake
Thomas the Pilgrim meets the Lady of Scutari, and they steal a moment in the grass.
Rating: E (sex, Tommy/Kate)
⚔️ The Old Duke
Elijah, Strategus of Scutari, third of his family to bear the title, governor in the name of Alexios Angelos the Emperor of the Romans, the hand of justice, was a man undone by love.
Rating: G
⚔️ Hunter
Slip the jesses, my love. This hunter you own, from the hood to the glove.
When the circling and striking are done and I land, let me come back to your hand.
Rating: E (sex, Tommy/Kate)
⚔️ Measure of a Man
The one wherein the tower of Galata falls, the crusaders tee up for the Siege of Constantinople, and I quote Geoffrey de Villehardouin a few times.
Main character deaths start here.
Rating: T
⚔️ For Guinevere
Even in the middle of the apocalypse, there’s time for pillow talk.
Rating: T
⚔️ Crashing Down / Exile
It’s the Siege of Constantinople. It’s the end of everything.
Rating: M (violence). Major character death.
⚔️ Fortune (an alternate ending)
Or maybe it happened like this. Major character death averted, and a fairy tale ending of the usual sort.
Rating: E (sex, Billy/Teddy)