Artist's commentary
Toonami 2012 and Beyond
On April 1, 2012 the unthinkable happened - the programing block Toonami returned for a night of nostalgia, airing the anime that it was known for. The next month, after the overwhelming response of the fans, Adult Swim brought the block back to a weekly saturday night lineup. So with this drawing I covered the series that I felt defined Toonami during its original run and recent relaunch. Characters of old, meet the characters of new. Sure its missing some great shows like Cowboy Bebop & FMA, but think of Adult Swim when those are brought up. I would have included some of the US shows (like Megas XLR, classic Thundercats), but I think the anime is what people remember about this action cartoon block. There have been around 30+ shows to air on the block, but I think I covered the basics. Gotta have Tom in there of course. :)
For news & progress reports on Toonami, be sure to check out toonamifaithful.com. They have an entertaining podcast worth checking out too.
Here's to Toonami and its future!
My original Toonami tribute drawing: fav.me/d1q6uxb
List of Series/Characters Featured:
Dragonball Z - Goku
Robotech/Macross - VF-1 Valkyrie
.hack//sign - Tsucasa
Hamtaro - Hamtaro
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Eureka Seven - Nirvash
Sailor Moon - Sailor Moon
Gundam Wing - Wing Gundam Zero
Cyborg 009 - Cyborg 009
Yu Yu Hakusho - Yusuke
One Piece - Monkey D Luffy
Casshern Sins - Casshern
Bleach - Ichigo Kurosaki
The Big O - Big O
Tenchi Muyo - Tenchi
Rurouni Kenshin - Kenshin Himura
Naruto - Naruto
Samurai 7 - Shimada Kambei
Outlaw Star - Gene Starwind
Toonami - Tom