Artist's commentary
Beyond the door
I open gently
lies a world on the brink of collapse
Will morning come?
Or will it turn into night?
A shy light seeps in through the gap
Until the voice calls out,
let's have a little more fun,
cycling through time like flowers
Inside this room,
a dream always sings
a gentle song to you
What is truth?
I chase after
the world I can believe in the strongest
Right to your silver garden
The child
who was lost
was the earliest to come home today, too
I want to run
and find a place
that is brighter than correctness
To the guardian
of your innocent slumber:
The gateway to adulthood is shut tightly
Have you realized it, yet?
That the truth
always lies in the past
All those things like "hopes" and "the future"
are but a selfish story
drawn by someone from a distant garden
No one really knows it yet
Children sing
with voices of small birds
What will they hide, what will they destroy?
Time burns
with the scent of secret flowers
I am here
Come closer quietly,
don't go anywhere