Artist's commentary
Destructive Order
No matter what world-changing events lie ahead, surely we'll never be sisters. Such a tale would most certainly be make-believe, and based solely on the fact that I'm used to being someone's big sister just as you're used to being someone's little sister. "Hey, Satori, is it all right if I destroy that trouble-making customer?" "Don't say awful things like that, Flan." Anyone who stumbled upon the pair at a time like this would no doubt keep their distance. But they might ask themselves why a mind-reading youkai despised by the masses and a vampire shut-in with the power to destroy anything were together. The sight of them alone was enough to leave people speechless.
"Why do so many people not like you, Satori?" "Because I can read minds." "Why are you here, then?" "Because I can read minds." The pair were talking away in Seiga's social club, Old Desire, located somewhere in her Senkai. Satori rarely left the Palace of the Earth Spirits but came to the club whenever the animals needed her to. On the other hand, it seems like Flan had first stepped foot in the club as something of a tagalong, and was yet to find a spot to call her own. Satori sat in a somewhat comfortable chair, and Flan stood behind her with her cheek leaning on her hand. Flan seemed rather bored as she watched over the customers. On some level, the two of them weren't so different, and seeing them together like this was a common sight in Old Desire.
Animals can't speak, so with Satori being able to read their minds, she was an invaluable member of the Old Desire team. "Satori kinda reminds me of Remilia..." thought Flan. "Come to think of it, Satori has a little sister, too." "Based on the fragments of violence, immaturity, and insanity I can see in her mind, I kind of sympathize with her sister," sighed Satori. Flan always acted without thinking, so having her mind read was no big deal, and Satori saw so much of her little sister in Flan that she couldn't help but care for her. As strange as it was, the two of them made a good pair.
The Dream Beast Salon! "Hey, big sis." "I'm not your big sister, Flan." "Ahaha, my bad. I just wanted to try calling you that!" They made a good pair, indeed. Even the flower fortune-telling device in Satori's hands agreed. It was a strange device that changed colors every time it was used. Flan stared into it, spread her colorful wings, and smiled. Just then, a puff of smoke escaped the device, and the fortune result changed. "My, this color means..." "What?" "That misfortune is coming your way." "Misfortune? That sounds fun!"
Surely we'll never be sisters. But if we were, it might not be so bad. "Flan." "What's up, Satori?" "Destroy that customer." "Kyahaha!" And so, Flan carried out Satori's order. It was an order to destroy. To the untrained eye, it may seem like yet another customer was being needlessly destroyed, but this is how order was maintained within Old Desire. Satori read customers' minds to identify potential troublemakers, then sent Flan to destroy them. This task could only be carried out by the two of them, and it brought them together.