Artist's commentary
Sasha's Base
Scientists bought several pigs and put them under anesthesia. Then they conducted a ventricular fibrillation of the heart to stop blood circulation, which, in other words, is called clinical death. This then turns into biological death, when the cells of the organism die. When the blood flow stops, the cells still have a supply of oxygen and they can live for some time. But then comes the inevitable death. But how does one know when their oxygen runs out? There are instructions for this, but following them is already a matter of interpretation. They have been brought back to life even after 40 minutes, but the conditions there were unique, of course. So, can we violate these instructions and to what extent, in order to bring back to life organisms that would now be considered dead according to all instructions? That's why the pigs were bought– for a controlled death to find out how much we can deviate from the instructions.