Artist's commentary
It's for Lilycove-Contests, the theme is sparkles Shrug
*I usually don't participate in any group activities, nor in many contest but I thought those contest thingies would be a good thing, in case of an art block or lack of ideas (and this reminds me of another group, where I supposed to draw hatchlings from a Spyro game. D'oh, how much late am I there? 2 years?)
*I chose Skarmory because I hoped to find it challenging to draw, and I thought it would be a good subject to experiment with lighting, if I wanted to do paintings of the pokemon. As I mentioned earlier, it took me almost 1 year to 'develop' the character in that way I would enjoy drawing it. Not that I was drawing it all year long, no, lol. I'm just a slow worker if there's no deadline (see above, the hatchlings).
*The sparkle theme inspired me actually. Instead of working on commissions I did this thing >.< It should be noted that the picture was inspired by www.pidgi.net/wiki/images/7/7f… (the background especially) I think it's the 3rd picture in my gallery that was directly inspired by kawayoo. Cookie for those who can find the other two pics.
*This picture was suposed to be a simple drawing, but during the process I got carried away and the painting happened. It didn't even suppose to have a full background. But I felt urge to put more effort into it. Because it was intended to be an entry for the group, I'll submit it there.
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1sJZS…