Artist's commentary
I got the privilege to make a portrait of Roboute Guilliman for the very cool and funny @paintedplasticwargaming and I’m really happy with how it turned out. The following is perhaps tmi into the process so skip it if you want, you’ve been warned. Enjoy!
I’ve wanted to make an image of Guilliman for a little while now and had/have a few ideas of what he’d look like bubbling in my head but there were a few themes I wanted to achieve with a portrait image of him
First I wanted to make sure he looked gargantuan. I mean this guy is what? 12/13 feet tall? 1,000 pounds without the armor? I thought he had to dominate the composition and the viewer had to look up at him as he’s surely the tallest person in the Imperium of Mankind, no one is gonna see him at eye level (except maybe Dante when they put him in a flying dreadnought)
Second - the lighting. This is more of a subjective play of aesthetics and metaphor. I wanted a dark image with a strong splash of light on the armor to show off all those glittery bits and details. To achieve this I gazed as much as I could at paintings in the Tenebrist style especially Rembrandt’s The Man with the Golden Helmet (slide 3) and Titian’s Portrait of Ranuccio Farnese (slide 4) in the hopes that I could acquire a fragment of their magic.
On top of this I imagined Guilliman’s face to be in relative shadow between the primary light and the secondary light of fire from the Emperors Sword, off frame, and the rest of the implied fires around him - a not so subtle way to imply a rift that he’s found himself in between but not sure what more to say about it...
Last, I figure some of the imperial fleet from the Indomitus Crusade in the background wouldn’t hurt!
Again, hope you enjoy! This drawing was made on iPad Pro using the procreate app
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