Artist's commentary
BabyShark - GS
A collaborative design effort from the Sisters of EVE and the CreoDron Corporation, the BabyShark is a Battlecruiser sized vessel designed specifically for exploration, search and rescue, and research expeditions. Advanced sensor arrays and highly specialised photonic computer technology mean that it can pinpoint gravitational anomalies in the depths of unexplored space in a fraction of the time it takes other ships. Limited offensive capabilities are compensated for in the form of extensive drone bays which allow the BabyShark to carry 4 four full flights of medium drones or two flights of heavy drones.
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% increase in maximum drone range per level
Astrometrics Skill bonus: 5% increase in Scan Probe strength and 2% decrease in maximum Scan Probe deviation per level
Role Bonus: 25% decrease in Scan Probe scan time, 50% decrease in Scan Probe Launcher CPU requirement *Combat probes cannot be loaded into a probe launcher fitted to this ship
7 High Slots
5 Medium Slots
4 Low Slots
2 Rig Slots
4 Turret Hardpoints
0 Missile Hardpoints
*Bonuses and Fitting details subject to balance testing
Thanks to my friend the writer and good pilot Keith Neilson
and my coach Seb ;) (Wink)
You can find a step by step here on my blog :
thanks all!
edit : sorry it was just to erase my name from the file...