Artist's commentary
Anonymous asked: Thank you so much for the guide! <3 Sorry to ask for more, but could you do other guides too? Like on how to draw beards, and different styles of faces and bodies! I understand if you'd rather not, but it'd mean alot!
I’m not much of an expert, so you can say I’m still learning too!
Beards can be tricky sometimes because they can grow all over the place.
5 o’clocks and Scuffs start off as small strands of hair poking out. So as you draw them near the edge of the face they begin to overlap each other making a darker value. However, Trimmed and Fuller beards start to wrap around the entire jawline to indicate thickness.
-Note that all beards have different growing patterns and might not be as straight as the example below so I suggest you google various beard nationalities.
I think when drawing any kind of style face the shape is what makes your character look appealing. That being said, here’s a random few I came with. To me at least I prefer curvy shapes that give a sense of organic squishiness to the face instead of angular stiff ones.
-Try to look at your outlined shapes three-dimensionally and imagine invisible lines wrapping around them.
Assuming your question is still related to drawing bara, I’m using this same sketch below just to show you a small variation of body types that I think kinda fit the description.
Of course, this is not an ultimate guideline to drawing bara, this is simply my take on the subject. :)
I recommend reading Drawing faces & hands by Andrew Loomis where he covers drawing different shaped faces.
I hope this helps you a bit more!