Artist's commentary
The last unicorn
Me on Bullet; Blue
facebook www.facebook.com/Yaichino Bullet; Blue
Finishhhhhhhhh ^A^
God, the picture took me 6-7 hours of my life XDDDD
but i like the result :D (Big Grin)
The first step was to draw the background and the unicorn later x~X
Mhhh think.....the unicorn was the difficult part of this art XDDDD
At the beginning, i would draw the unicorn in the front of the pic. but the place was not created for it Sweating a little...
I draw the picu for katethegreat19 and therefore, i will dedicate the art for her Heart
(and this have a reason :D (Big Grin)
PS: I will upload another version from it (the orginal without the unicorn and a little step to step again :3)
Thanks for the last comments *hug
PPS: Please watch the full views :D (Big Grin)